Frequently Asked Questions
* Except for ADA-approved service dogs. Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Emtional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals are NOT considered service animals under the ADA and are not allowed.
* Service dogs must be leashed at all times.
* If you plan on bringing a service dog contact us ahead of time.
1) The Food Court will include a small group of food vendors offering a range of meals and treats.
2) One caterer will be selling meals during meal times.
3) You can bring your own food to enjoy and share. Most people are camping so you can do food prep and cooking in your camp with propane or gas cookstoves (operated with all due precautions). No campfires allowed. Or you can bring already prepared foods, picnic style.
4) Or you can do a combination of the above.
Tickets are transferable
If you buy a ticket but cannot attend due to circumstances, you can sell your ticket. How to transfer the name on the ticket will be through correspondence with our registrar, Janet Kingsley at reg.nwherbalfair@gmail.com
Refund Policy (if you need to cancel)
80% refund up till June 12.
70% refund up to July 12.
50% refund up to August 12
After August 12, no refund.Cancellation policy
If for some reason beyond our control (Force Majeur) the event is cancelled, everyone will be refunded 90%. We all share the slight risk.
There are several tents only areas. No vehicles. Your vehicle is parked in the main parking lot (a short distance away).
There several dedicated car camping areas. People can camp next to or in their vehicle. This will be a mix of tents and vehicles. You cannot drive in or out once you are set up.
RVs and vehicles with trailers over 20’ have a special parking area close to the registration gate. These spots must be registered in advance.
No camp-fires allowed We expect a county-wide burn ban to be in effect.
Camping stoves are allowed. They must have an off switch. Please use them in a responsible manner.
If you are allergic to bees or wasps, bring an epipen.
Mosquito pressure varies from light some years to noticeable at twilight each night. We recommend sleeping in a tent or shelter with a bug net.
Please bring non-chemical bug repellant. Herbal bug repellants will be available for purchase at the Vendor Village.
There will be a First Aid tent open during the day. Night responder info will be posted on site.
The site is mostly short mowed grass with slight elevation changes. Powered wheelchairs should be able to navigate in most areas. Non-motorized wheelchairs would likely need assistance. There will be a wheelchair accessbile port-a-pottie.
Presenters, Vendors and Musicians are welcome to arrive starting at 12:00 noon, Thursday.
Gates open to the general public at 5:00 pm, Thursday.
All gathering attendees must be packed up (pack it in, pack it out) and must be off site by 11:00 am Monday morning.
Yes! Potable water is on tap at multple locations.
Bring your own containers and reusable water bottles.
Bringing some of your own drinking water is recommended.
Most likely warm to hot during the daytime and cool at night. Dew is possible with wet grass in the morning. The 3rd weekend in August is the least chance of rain weekend of the whole year. However we can’t rule out the possibility ahead of time. Keep your eye on the weather reports just prior to the event and come prepared.
This is an all ages family friendly event. Children are welcome. There will be a childrens area and children’s program. Details coming later.
This is a Pack it In, Pack it Out event. Meaning, if you bring it to the event, please take it home with you!
That being said, we will have receptacles in and around the “Food Vendor” area for waste created at the food zone, and most likely a small composting area for food waste.
Please help keep our village clean and litter-free!
• Volunteer for an hour and make your energy felt.
• Tobacco use in designated area only.
• Keep an eye out for the children. Use your discretion, and be kind.
• Firearms, and weapons of any kind are not permitted. Treat Everyone With Respect.
• Pack it in, Pack it out.
• Be friendly & say hi!
Thank you for mindfully attending this event and being safe and supportive. All “participants” of the Northwest Herbal Fair—including, and not limited to: venue owners, attendees, presenters, performers, volunteers, coordinators, vendors, VIP guests and sponsors—waives, releases and discharges any and all claims, rights and/or causes of action which he/she/they now have or which may arise out of or in connection with participation in the Northwest Herbal Fair as well as which may arise out of or in connection with participant’s attendance and/or participation in the activities associated with the Northwest Herbal Fair. Therefore, under no circumstances will participants prosecute or present any claim for personal injury, property damage or any other cause of action against The Northwest Herbal Fair, Friends of the Trees Society, Peace Through Music Foundation, or Lake Leland Amphitheater and its owners, family and employees. You voluntarily assume all risks and danger incidental to the event for which the ticket reservation is issued, whether occurring before, during or after the event, and you waive any claims for personal injury or death against us. Thank you, and we love you!
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